The Babel Conference Off the Books was amazing! The presentations that attended were thought-provoking and inspiring, and I really appreciated when the panel had planned a lot of time for discussion. [Read more…]
Added New Photos
Just a quick update to say that I added a handful of new photos to the gallery pages. Still lots more to come! I wish they were all “gallery” quality, but they still document my work.
Reproducing Museum Embroidery
As a wedding gift for a dear friend, I embroidered a pair of garters. I reproduced a pair in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, using a motto from another pair, and working with the best supplies I could find. It is my finest embroidery work to-date, as I was really striving to match the quality of workmanship of the originals. [Read more…]
Winterthur Textile Study Day
I wrote a short blog post about my trip to Winterthur in Wilmington, Delaware for a study day with fellow members of the Textile Society of America. You can read it here and see some of my photos from the day.
Grad school
Now that all my applications for grad school are completed, I am turning back to updating my website. I’d like to be happy with it soon so that once school starts I can just blog about my research and latest needlework projects. The learning curve is steep! But I think I’m almost there. Thank you for being patient with my work-in-progress and for finding me on Pinterest and Etsy. <3
New photo gallery
I’m learning how to add photos to my site and have managed to get a few into the Photo Gallery. I’d like to have some of my art as well as my finished costumes and embroidery work. Fortunately, the Etsy and Pinterest mini-galleries to the right update automatically when I add new items. I’ll keep working on the Photo Gallery, so check back later! 🙂